3PSBM – Three passes of smoke steam boiler marine
The steam generator mod. 3PSBM – 3PSBMH is a single block generator with three smoke circuits with a large furnace and a wet inversion chamber with pressurized combustion and fully automatic operation. It is supplied “packaged”: it is complete with all accessories. The supply includes the generator itself and the following auxiliary components:
- 1 primary feed pump
- 1 electrical control panel
- 2 level indicators
- regulation and safety devices
- valves and accessories
All these components are pre-mounted on the generator or on its base. The generator basically consists of a boiler including the shell, pipe plates, the combustion chamber with the inversion changer and the smoke pipes.
The shell is equipped with small blocks for steam intake, safety valves, 2 pipes for inserting the electronic safety and level regulation probes, the feed line, level indicators, discharge unit and TDS setup, manometer and pressure gauges. There is also a maintenance hole, a handrail and lifting eyebolts.
The (external and internal) pipe plates are welded on the plating and on the inversion chamber and are equipped with holes for inserting the smoke pipes.
- Corpo caldaia / Boiler / Generateur / Cuerpo caldera
- Portellone / Front door / Hayon Frontal / Puerta anterior
- Camera fumo / Smoke chamber / Chambre des fumées / Camara humo
- Indicatore di livello visivo / Level gauge / Indicateur visuel du niveau / Indicador de nivel visual
- Regolatore di livello automatico / Level regulator / Régulateur de niveau autocontrolé / Regulador de nivel automátic
- Sonda di sicurezza / Safety probe / vanne de sécurité / sonda de seguridad
- Valvola di presa vapore / Steam outlet / Sortie de vapeur / Valvula de salida vapor
- Valvole di sicurezza / Safety valves / Soupapae de sécurité / Valvulas de seguridad
- Gruppo di alimentazione / Feeding unit / Groupe d’alimentation / Grupo de alimentacion
- Gruppo di scarico / Discharged unit / Unité de décherge / Grupo de descarga
- Elettropompa di alimentazione / Feeding pump / Electro-pompe d’alimentation / Electrobomba de alimentacion
- Predisposizione regolazione conducibilità acqua / Predisposition control salinity water / Réglage de la predisposition conductivité d’eau / Predisposicion regulacion conductibilidad agua
- Passo uomo / Manhole / Trou d’homme / Paso de hombre
- Passa mano / Handhole / Trou de poing / Paso de mano
- Manometro con rubinetto di prova / Manometer and test cock / Manomètre avec robinet de test / Manoómetro con grifo de prueba
- Pressostato di sicurezza / Safety pressure switch / Interrupteur de pression de sécurité / Presostatos de seguridad
- Pressostato di servizio / Service pressure switch / Interrupteur de pression de travail / Presostatos de servicio
- Quadro elettrico / Electrical panel / Panneau électric / Cuadro eléctrico
- Targa dati / Name plate / Plaque / Placa de datos tecnicos
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