3PSBM – Three passes of smoke steam boiler marine

The steam generator mod. 3PSBM – 3PSBMH is a single block generator with three smoke circuits with a large furnace and a wet inversion chamber with pressurized combustion and fully automatic operation.  It is supplied “packaged”: it is complete with all accessories. The supply includes the generator itself and the following    auxiliary components:   

  • 1 primary feed pump
  • 1 electrical control panel
  • 2 level indicators
  • regulation and safety devices
  • valves and accessories

All these components are pre-mounted on the generator or on its base. The generator basically consists of a boiler including the shell, pipe plates, the combustion chamber with the inversion changer and the smoke pipes.  

The shell is equipped with small blocks for steam intake, safety valves, 2 pipes for inserting the electronic safety and level regulation probes, the feed line, level indicators, discharge unit and TDS setup, manometer and pressure gauges. There is also a maintenance hole, a handrail and lifting eyebolts.  

The (external and internal) pipe plates are welded on the plating and on the inversion chamber and are equipped with holes for inserting the smoke pipes. 

  1. Corpo caldaia / Boiler / Generateur / Cuerpo caldera
  2. Portellone / Front door / Hayon Frontal / Puerta anterior
  3. Camera fumo / Smoke chamber / Chambre des fumées / Camara humo
  4. Indicatore di livello visivo / Level gauge / Indicateur visuel du niveau / Indicador de nivel visual
  5. Regolatore di livello automatico / Level regulator / Régulateur de niveau autocontrolé / Regulador de nivel automátic
  6. Sonda di sicurezza / Safety probe / vanne de sécurité / sonda de seguridad
  7. Valvola di presa vapore / Steam outlet / Sortie de vapeur / Valvula de salida vapor
  8. Valvole di sicurezza / Safety valves / Soupapae de sécurité / Valvulas de seguridad
  9. Gruppo di alimentazione / Feeding unit / Groupe d’alimentation / Grupo de alimentacion
  10. Gruppo di scarico / Discharged unit / Unité de décherge / Grupo de descarga
  11. Elettropompa di alimentazione / Feeding pump / Electro-pompe d’alimentation / Electrobomba de alimentacion
  12. Predisposizione regolazione conducibilità acqua / Predisposition control salinity water / Réglage de la predisposition conductivité d’eau / Predisposicion regulacion conductibilidad agua
  13. Passo uomo / Manhole / Trou d’homme / Paso de hombre
  14. Passa mano / Handhole / Trou de poing / Paso de mano
  15. Manometro con rubinetto di prova / Manometer and test cock / Manomètre avec robinet de test / Manoómetro con grifo de prueba
  16. Pressostato di sicurezza / Safety pressure switch / Interrupteur de pression de sécurité / Presostatos de seguridad
  17. Pressostato di servizio / Service pressure switch / Interrupteur de pression de travail / Presostatos de servicio
  18. Quadro elettrico / Electrical panel / Panneau électric / Cuadro eléctrico
  19. Targa dati / Name plate / Plaque / Placa de datos tecnicos

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