IFHWB – Inversion flame hot water boiler

The IFHWB are horizontal three passes of smoke boiler (two in the combustion chamber)  suitable for hot water heating. The well-dimensioned furnace guarantees a perfect combustion of the fuel. 

The IFHWB hot water boilers have been designed together with the most qualified experts in the marine field in order to guarantee:

  • high efficiency (90% minimum), due to optimized furnace heated surface;
  • easy maintenance, due to easy access to fire tubes;
  • quick assistance, due to the use of first class burner and our world wide net of agents, distributors and service stations;
  • easy cleaning of the fire tubes with cleaning brushes (no water cleaning system is necessary).

The water working temperature is maintained with an electronic water temperature controller that operates the burner . When the working temperature is reached the burner is switched off. When the water temperature decreases the burner is switched on.

  1. corpo caldaia / boiler shell
  2. portellone / door
  3. piastra sostegno bruciatore / burner plate
  4. spia controllo fiamma / combustion control5
  5. camera fumi / smokes chamber
  6. uscita fumi / smokes outlet
  7. portina pulizia / cleaning door
  8. scarico condensa fumi / smokes condensate discharge
  9. targa tecnica / name plate
  10. pannello strumenti / panel

m – mandata riscaldamento / heating delivery
r – ritorno riscaldamento / heating return
v – vaso espansione / expansion vessel
s – scarico / discharge

BBS DIVISION reserves the right to make the changes it deems necessary to improve production.