3PSHWB – Three passes of smoke superheated water boiler

Monobloc boiler pressurized type at high technological content for superheated water production; three effective smoke passes and reversed welted plates; the generator efficiency is very high, up to 92%; it has an high water volume so it can make up in the best way to the various exercise states; working pressure 9,8 bar, over on request.

  1. Corpo caldaia / Boiler / Generateur / Cuerpo caldera
  2. Valvole di sicurezza / Safety valves / Soupapae de sécurité / Valvulas de
  3. Gruppo di scarico / Discharged unit / Unité de décherge / Grupo de descarga
  4. Manometro / Manometer / Manomètre / Manómetro
  5. Termometro / Thermometer/ Thermomètre/ Termómetro
  6. Pressostato di sicurezza / Safety pressure switch / Interrupteur de pression de sécurité / Presostatos de seguridad
  7. Pannello di controllo / Control panel / Panneau de contrôle / Panel de control
  8. Targa dati / Name plate / Plaque / Placa de datos tecnicos

BBS DIVISION reserves the right to make the changes it deems necessary to improve production.